Portfolio Portfolio from Mary Lou Glory... Portfolio City Cafe - design concept for a coffeeshop THURAYA - Proposed Design for GITEX '04 TRIDENT - Proposed Design for CITYSCAPE '04, Dubai EUROPCAR - Stand Design for ARABIAN TRAVEL MARKET '04 SAMSUNG - Proposed Design for GITEX '04 Retail Shop - Proposed Design for a Perfumery Shop BUROOJ Properties - 1st proposal for CITYSCAPE 2006 AIR BP - proposed design for AIRSHOW 2006 Dubai Sports City modular stand with customized elements arabic-inspired modular stand proposed for Cityscape custom stand - bathroom displays elevated center structure, water underneath double-storey, zen-inspired custom, single-storey for Arab Health promotional stand, custom 4 companies in a single stand custom, travelling stand modular stand proposed for Gulf Food 3 sections, elevated meeting custom, lots of product displays nature-inspired, double-storey minimalist-theme stand contemporary, modern double-storey stand arabic-inspired pavillion sketch using pen & ink a quick sketch custom-modular stand travelling custom stand modular single-storey custom single-storey custom single-storey gLike Portfolio Interior Design Share R 7 n Mary Lou Glory... Exhibition / Interior Designer Dubai, United Arab Emirates Follow Contact