Rockwagon Paintings - These have been made a various live painting events from my project with Kyle Taylor; Rockwagon |
Rockwagon Paintings - These have been made a various live painting events from my project with Kyle Taylor; Rockwagon |
Rockwagon Paintings - These have been made a various live painting events from my project with Kyle Taylor; Rockwagon |
Rockwagon Paintings - These have been made a various live painting events from my project with Kyle Taylor; Rockwagon |
Rockwagon Paintings - These have been made a various live painting events from my project with Kyle Taylor; Rockwagon |
Rockwagon Paintings - These have been made a various live painting events from my project with Kyle Taylor; Rockwagon |
Rockwagon Paintings - These have been made a various live painting events from my project with Kyle Taylor; Rockwagon |
St. Thomas Aquinas - Commissioned during a promotional period when I was offering $1/sq. in. Of course someone had to be the smart alec and request a 1x1... and I got my dollar!
Rockwagon Paintings
Loren O'Laughlin
Illustrator + Designer Seattle, WA