Sleep Better Advertisement - I created this piece in Adobe Photoshop. It is an advertisement for little sleeper. It relaxes the baby's body and helps the baby sleep through the night. I was going to the clean baby look.
Rhonda Byrne Re-Design Book Cover - I created this piece in Adobe Photoshop. The object to this piece was to take a book that already exist and change the title and re-design the book cover.
Hair Straightener Ad - I used Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator to create this piece. The hair straightener was created in Adobe Illustrator and the layout was created in Adobe Photoshop. I was going for the cooperate clean look.
Hot Air Balloon Illustration - I created this piece in Adobe Photoshop. This is an illustration of hot air balloons floating in the sky. I wanted this to be a fun looking piece.
Red Dragon Advertisement - I created this piece using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. The wine glass and the wine bottle was created in Adobe Illustrator and the layout was created in Adobe Photoshop. I was going for the clean but eye-catching look.
Melissa Meklin
Digital Media Design Winter Park, FL