Untitled - Cardboard and acrylic
Untitled - Ink on paper
Art Class Collage - Ink and marker on paper
Untitled - Marker on paper
Untitled - Mixed media
Row - Mixed media
Symphony in G Mediocre - Construction paper cutouts
Yoke - Mixed media
Untitled - Acetone and acrylic
Self-Portrait - Consumption - For a class project on an essay by Marshall McLuhan - "The Medium is the Message."
Self-Portrait as a Florentine - collaged charcoal drawings
Free Press Cover - Jan'12
Sound Waves - sketch
Untitled - good ol' pen and paper
FreePress Education Face1
FreePress Education Face2
Surrealism (1)
Surrealism (2)
Surrealism (3)
Surrealism (4)
Surrealism (5)
My Portfolio