Souche - The “souche” armchair was my graduation project. A reflection on what Québécois design could be, given the availability of materials, local know-how and craftsmanship as well as our local tastes (notice how much wider it is than the next one). A collaboration with local manufacturer Kastella, this chair re-introduces off-cuts from their production – in the prototype walnut is used – as well as rawhide leather, “babiche,” which is woven in the traditional manner, and then finished with 100% hemp oil from Ontario. Raw materials are all sourced locally and all elements are biodegradable at end of life.
concept sketches - These are the concept sketches presented to the manufacturer (with textile samples and other references).
models - I worked out the shape in 1:5 scale models in balsa wood and high density cardboard.
early prototype being made in shop - The first prototype was made by one of Kastella's craftsmen from a Solidworks model.
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Final Project
Ana Masut
About Montreal, PQ