Nokia - Respect the idea
Nokia - Respect the idea
L'Oreal Professionnel - L'Oreal Professionnel Advertorial
We are Europe too - Eco campaign
SAE Institute - DJ night
SAE Institute - Xmas poster
SAE - Design
Alvvimar 2 - Always open
Alvvimar 3
My portfolio Cover
SAE - Banknote design
Stizo 1
Stizo 2
Personal - Respect the idea
Heaven club - Respect the idea
Policolor 2 - Life in colors
Take care of the future - Eco campaign
Deal of the week - Magazine
Party Campaign
SAE - Postcard
TABU - magazine - Title: the bravest magazine for women Subtitle: Now we have it all now
t shirt
Picture of you
Porta Verde - Real estate agency
Porta Verde 2 - Real estate agency
SAE - Cover book
HM - Party mask
Moto 4 - Flyer for the company
SAE - Font design
Stefan Oprea
Art Director Amsterdam, Netherlands