Smallbites Magazine - A magazine and online publication focusing on family nutrition and cooking. The content merges the playfulness of a child with the sophistication of an adult in order to present a cohesive representation of family needs and perspectives within the kitchen.
The New York Trilogy - An existential detective trilogy focusing on identity within the city. In each story, the main character struggles to discover who he is, in a place that is just as enigmatic as himself. The textured illustrations hint at the film noir style and focus on the grittiness of Manhattan.
Victims of Terror Poster - Stemming from my own experience of September 11th, this poster is focusing on the effect of terror on people who have witnessed tragic events, by telling the individual story of a terror witness. The imagery makes a historical allusion between the Twin Towers and the smoke stacks of Holocaust crematoriums.
Rachel Beyerlein
Designer Hamburg, Germany