Infograph on bread
Infograph on life of a star
Mapping: Blades and Slices
My life - Some important landmarks of my life, put in an interesting manner. A different kind of timeline. Learning 1. To sift out or edit relevant information. 2. Make it easy for the readers to understand. 3. Refrain from making boring expression of data (make it lively).
Tufte's article - Re-representing data from Tufte’s book in such a way that it is different, but still relates to the content. Learning 1. Judgement of what is most important and required, as opposed to what is redundant. 2. Giving information with minimal details. Key to information design.
Poverty constellation (draft 1 and 2) - A field trip to melkote, gave us a lot of important data and stories. Concentrating on issue of poverty and other problems, causes, reasons, consequences surrounding it. Putting it together in a way that is easy for viewers to understand. Learning 1. Data collection strategies. 2. Persona building 3. Making connections and relations, hence forecasting situation at times.
Poverty constellation (final) - A field trip to melkote, gave us a lot of important data and stories. Concentrating on the issue of poverty and other problems, causes, reasons, consequences surrounding it. Putting it together in a way that is easy for viewers to understand. Learning: 1. Data collection strategies. 2. Persona bulding 3. Making connections and relations, hence forecasting situation at times.
Slide from Nokia presentation - A three week research workshop done with Nokia. The idea was to see existing patterns of market development in rural India and foresee some possible directions. Learning 1. Scenario building 2. Visual representation of concepts 3. Thinking and processing possible future options (beyond what seems real today).
Nokia certified documents (under NDA)
This infogroph talks about the super plant (azolla). It grows in high nitrogen contents in water thereby depriving the water of the nitrogen. The plant itself can be consumed in food dishes
Bio Sand Filter - A naturl phenomenon of filtering water. This infograph shows how one can make ones own portable biosand filter with minimum materials to get water that is fit to drink
Cheap available options to solve the problem of sanitation in parts of rural India. A parallel drawn with the peepoo project. The infograph throws light on some of the facts data and possibilities in our country.
Information Design