Detailed Report Copywriting for Great Here Creative - Great Here Creative hired me as a copywriter to help them finish the construction of their website. I was told by Anna (employee of Great Here), that the work I provided was very useful and helped them finish their goal of finishing their website.
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1st Draft Response from Great Here Creative - The text in red indicates the thoughts and feelings of the company owner, Tom Wise, as he reviews and comments on the first draft of work I sent him. I was very excited to see that he liked my suggestions to improve his website.
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Content Strategist for FMP - I believe this document is a good representation of my abilities to multi-task, take directions as well as give directions, and create a specific style for a new company with no image. I feel as though the writing isn't up to par with my current standards and I could have done a better job, but the teacher was still impressed and the class did take place months ago. Summer 2011
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Copywriting and Copyediting
Megan Schwartz
Freelance Writer Cincinnati, OH