Fairy Tales, advertising campaign for an italian furniture company; drawings by Valentina Mendicino - It's a contemporary tale, a story of thirty-year-old guys observed in their relational and domestic dimension. The characters are absorbed by rewarding jobs and studies. They are friendly, lovers of contemporary fashion and able to enjoy the pleasures of the house. On Friday Peter spent his evening at Chiara and Peter's home, and all have let themselves go. Next morning awakening caught them dipped in their memories
Fairy Tales, Daniel
Fairy tales, Chiara - Picture taken from the advertising campaign "Fairy Tales" made for an Italian furniture company
Fairy Tales, Peter - Picture taken from the advertising campaign "Fairy Tales" made for an Italian furniture company
Fairy Tales, Giada - Picture taken from the advertising campaign "Fairy Tales" made for an Italian furniture company
Communication strategies
Massimo Imparato
Visiting Assistant Professor at American University of Sharjah milan, Italy