Coffee Table - Inspiration for the table comes from the topic of global warming and the environment. The legs of the table represent man (on one side) and woman (other side). They are joined by a key or support piece which symbolizes nature. The theory is that if nature is destroyed than man and woman fall with it. The same holds true that woman can't exist without man and vice versa. Take a leg away the other falls. Have to exist together with nature.
Italian Chair - This chair is inspired by the Italian culture and their style of furniture design intended for a dining or office setting.
Italian Chair sketches - This chair is inspired by the Italian culture and their style of furniture design intended for a dining or office setting.
Italian Chair assembly - This chair is inspired by the Italian culture and their style of furniture design intended for a dining or office setting.
Dresser - coming soon are photos of the finished piece
Dresser - Edges of plywood are left exposed to give contrast and different look for furnitue
Dresser - The Front is a all Flush which helps keep the look clean and simple, and the cut outs for handles helps with the effect. coming soon are photos of the finished piece
Dresser - Just the top and sides are stained
Dresser Contrast 2 - This combination really pops
Curve. Finished Dresser - 6 drawer dresser
Curve. Concept Renderings - 6 drawer dresser
Finished Dresser
Made this 4 drawer dresser to match the previous dresser I built
Made this 4 drawer dresser to match the previous dresser I built
Trey Randa
Engineer and Designer Columbia, SC