Gator Country "LIVE" - The Mission:
The "Gator Country LIVE" e-webie was created and produced for "Gator Country" a southern rock band from Jacksonville Florida (former era members of "Molly Hatchet").
The Skills:
executive producer
project manager
management consultant
conceptual design
creative direction
w: http://www.e-webies.com/ewebies/gator/1/

Morton Plant Mease Foundation - The Mission:
To create a fully functional foundation site that delivers informative information about the foundation and it's donors and programs (to the community). The site also offers real-time social media and donation forms.
The Skills:
executive producer
project manager
conceptual design
creative direction
content development
social media integration
w: http://www.mpmf.org

I Hate Radio - The Mission;
Create a highly visible and unique concept music site that delivers current indie rock, rap and party streaming channels. The site experience and strategy is to grow through proven viral marketing techniques and distribution. The intention and focus of the site is to provide free college style music that can expand into desktop widgets, facebook and myspace applications as well as an alternative to current radio stations and trends.
w: http://ihateradio.amsinteractive.com

AMSi Interactive - The Mission:
To create a fully functional corporate site that delivers highly detailed information about AMSi's core offerings as well as samples and portfolio samples.
The site also offers customizable streaming audio which can be changed to better fit the user's browsing environment.
The Skills:
executive producer
project manager
conceptual design
creative direction
w: http://www.amsinteractive.com

Symantec - The Mission:
In working with Symantec the mission was to create an informative and educational
e-webie that would enlighten partners & VAR's about new Symantec small business products as well as ways to become accredited and learn more in-depth ways to market software solutions.
The Skills:
executive producer
creative direction
project manager
conceptual design
w: http://www.e-webies.com/ewebies/symantec/1/

Van Halen - The Mission:
The Van Halen e-webie was launched to help potential event buyers learn all they needed to know about rock's supergroup Van Halen. The
mailer highlighted ticket information, driving directions, special event offers & event seating.
The St. Pete Times Forum experienced a 12% increase in overall Van Halen ticket sales.
The Skills:
executive producer
project manager
conceptual design
creative direction
w: http://www.e-webies.com/preview.asp?ewebie_id=55

ESPN Radio - The Mission:
ESPN Radio was looking for a new, sleek and intuitive design for their affiliate rich media e-mail newsletter. The proposed comp highlighted many keys areas to included ESPN Radio news and affiliate feeds, links and advertising opportunities.
The Skills:
executive producer
project manager
conceptual design
creative direction

Tampa Bay Lightning - The Mission:
The Lightning e-webie was launched to enhance and encourage season ticket holder and community interest. The design efforts and application centered around the ultimate team success story in winning the 2004 Stanley Cup.
The Skills:
executive producer
project manager
conceptual design
creative direction
w: http://www.e-webies.com/ewebies/tbl/tbl2/

Al Bell Presents - The Mission:
Al Bell Presents was designed to enhance the iconic world of Al Bell, famed soul music producer, creator, manager and owner of the historical Stax records. This was accomplished by creating a "live-like" environment that promotes the Al Bell "American Soul Music" channel (consisting of over 2,000 rare, classic and new tracks).
The Skills:
executive producer
project manager
conceptual design
creative direction
social networking
w: http://www.albellpresents.com

White Rain - The Mission:
White Rain was looking for a new and exciting look that appealed to today's moms (Smart Moms Know) and one that would enhance their affordable brand, new product lines, community involvement and compressive Q&A elements about healthy hair.
The Skills:
executive producer
project manager
conceptual design

Productos Remington - The Mission:
Remington (LA) needed a site that would "POP" & complement their vast array of hair care products.
The site uses a very intuitive, user friendly GUI which was created around the notion of multiple language usage as well as product display for easy to find information that enhances the global vision of Remington worldwide.
The Skills:
executive producer
project manager
conceptual design
creative direction
w: http://www.productosremington.com

WDM V2.0

Puck Power - The Mission:
The Tampa Bay Lightning micro-site project was designed and implemented to increase playoff awareness, detailed ticket packages, individual playoff ticket sales and an integrated trivia challenge for fans. The site also featured giveaways and integrated graphics that blended with the team's marketing blitz and brand package.
The Skills:
executive producer
project manager
conceptual design
creative direction
html programming

theRADIO.com - The Mission:
Create and deliver a highly successful streaming music site that offers up over 250+ channels of streaming music as well as search functionality by favorite artist, genre or song.
The Skills:
executive producer
project manager
conceptual design
creative direction
W: http://members.theradio.com or http://www.theradio.com

Cobb Youth Symphony - The Mission:
To create a sophisticated and user friendly site that drives detailed information about the Cobb Youth Symphony Orchestra program.
The site would also offer branded marketability for national sponsors as well as social networking aspects that would drive donations and charitable functions for increasing the growth of youth symphonies through-out Atlanta and the surrounding areas.
The Skills:
executive producer
project manager
conceptual design
creative direction

Pirate Radio - The Mission:
To create a fun, interactive rock music site that delivers RSS, customized 24/7 music stream, concert information, artist information and social networking aspects that drive community discussions and interaction.
It also launches a new and vibrant brand to market.
The Skills:
executive producer
project manager
conceptual design
creative direction