Pirates vs. Ninjas - Done in Illustrator. A personal project visualizing the popular internet meme.
Through the Seasons - Done in Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. A quick creative exercise to illustrate an idea that popped into my head one afternoon.
Teenage Hellion - Done in Adobe Illustrator, inspired somewhat by rock poster art.
Curly Brace - Digital illustration based on a niche game from Japan.
Danielle Gasparro - A custom digital illustration work for a local jazz singer.
Family Portraits - A series of digital illustrations for my parents, of members of my family, including myself.
Rogues - A digital illustration styled after stained glass, depicting various characters from the popular online game World of Warcraft.
Pencil Girl - An illustration in Photoshop depicting an outfit based on common pencils.
Vintage Quidditch Poster - A retro-styled poster of the popular fictional sport, Quidditch.
Commissioned Illustration - A commissioned drawing of a local improv performer.
Digital Illustration
David Boyle
Graphic Designer New York City, NY