Sheraton Hotel Brunch Poster --Finalist Asian Advertising Award - 20" X 33" Big direct mail posters are sent to secretaries country wide during Secretary Week in Singapore. The posters are meant to be put up on the walls by secretaries as a "subtle" reminder to their bosses to bring them to brunch at Sheraton Hotel. (Art directing -BBH Asia, Singapore)
Lekool Drink-- DMB&B International Max Award - Text: Lekool cools you down when you need it most. (DMB&B Singapore)
SingTel (Newspaper + Poster) - Text: Get hit quicker Subtext: With direct internet access to the whole of Asia. you're an easy target. Co-locate with e-content @ IX in Singapore. (BBH Asia, Singapore)
SingTel (Newspaper + Poster) - Text: Get hit quicker Subtext: With direct internet access to the whole of Asia. you're an easy target. Co-locate with e-content @ IX in Singapore. (BBH Asia, Singapore)
SingTel (Newspaper + Poster) - Text: Get hit quicker Subtext: With direct internet access to the whole of Asia. you're an easy target. Co-locate with e-content @ IX in Singapore. (BBH Asia, Singapore)
Singapore Cancer Society Poster - Text: Your baby shares one third of every cigarette you smoke. (DMB&B Asia, Singapore)
Levis Red Tab Magazine - Similar to a trimming mistake commonly found in magazines, this idea uses an alternative media to dramatize individuality. (BBH Asia, Singapore)
Immac Hair Removal Wax Strip Poster (BBH Asia, Singapore)
Immac Hair Removal Spray Poster (BBH Asia, Singapore)
Immac Hair Removal Cream Poster (BBH Asia, Singapore)
Truth Poster - 16" X 22" Posters placed in bathroom doors at clubs frequent by young people. Text: Everything you wanted to know about sex but weren't allowed to. Get the uncensored picture at Zouk Club, 29 Jan 2000, 6-8pm. (BBH Asia, Singapore)
WIG Hat Promotion - Flash cards were made as line sheet for a local hat company. (San Francisco CA, USA)
WIG - Flash cards and promotional items for a local hat company "WIG". Using client's grandma as model for the photo shoot. (San Francisco CA, USA)
Logo Design - TRUTH is a government formed group in Singapore to provide education, help and information to young people about HIV. (BBH Asia, Singapore)
Logo + Business card design - Logo identity for a San Francisco soup restaurant named Rock Soup. (San Francisco CA, USA)
Logo + Business card design - Identity design for a house portrait illustrator in San Francisco. (San Francisco CA, USA)
Logo + Business card design - Logo, business card and flyer design for acupuncture and body work services in San Francisco. (San Francisco CA, USA)