Diamond Stool Prototypes - This series of stools explore both texture and form. My goal was to create a spectrum of subtle and loud forms, using textures and colors to draw attention to different aspects of the stool.
Diamond Stool Prototype Series - from left to right: Purple Rain, Lava, Wasteland, Ocean, Hotrod
Ocean, Wasteland, Lava - These three stools use textures and color to emphasize different aspects of the form. The texture on Lava draws attention to the diamond. Ocean does the opposite and focuses on the base. Wasteland is a combination of the two, and retains the texture of Ocean while adding the bright UV sensitive green paint to bring out the diamond.
Purple Rain, Hotrod - These two stools were the most subdued in the diamond series. The purple and black color scheme on Purple Rain is intended to draw attention to the base of the stool, and the top of the diamond. The color scheme I chose for Hotrod is a metallic maroon car paint fading into a bright red.
Diamond Stool