Dandelion. Part 2 of a Diptych. 8"x11" ink.
Nessa in Winter. Drawing. Ink.
The Gull. 8"x11" Print and Ink.
Subway Sketch. 8"x11" Ink.
Spring. Watercolour and Ink.
Summer. Watercolour and Ink.
The Quagmire. 5x4ft Acrylic on canvas.
The Acrobats. 8"x11" Watercolour and Ink.
The Heart. 10"x12" Acrylic.
Gratuitous Return of The Jedi Fan Fiction. Digital.
Energy. 8"x11" Photogram.
Dreaming. 5x7ft. Oil on Canvas.
Miscellaneous Art Works

Mix of Media's and projcects here, Ink, Graphic Design, Oil, Acrylics.

Alessandra Sirizzotti-Rampen
Freelance Illustrator and Generally Awesome Individual Toronto, Canada