Ugly Business of Beautiful Women - Aerosol Spray Paint & Oils on 110cm X 110cm stretched Canvas. Kate Moss. Painted recently before and then during, (although not inspired by) the ironies of her recent downfall. 7/10/05
Ease Jimmi - Aerosol Spray Paint on 110cm X 60cm Stretched Canvas The late and great Jimmi Hendrix
Sienna - Aerosol Spray Paint on 100cm X 60cm Stretched Canvas Sienna Miller
the Luscious Mix - A Collection of 3 original Aerosol Spray Paintings measuring 100cm x 30cm Titles from left to right are: 'Such Great Hights' 'Graffiti Island' 'Bet or Fold' Items recently returned from Exhibition and are now for Sale
Dark & Shes Wearing Sunglasses - Media: Spray can. on 60cmx90cm stretched canvas.
Alexander Devol
Preston, United Kingdom