Fashion Drape Study-Baroque Pattern
Fashion Drape Study -Pleats - water color/pencils on paper
Fashion Drape Study - water color/pencils on paper
Fashion Drape Study -Sleeve - water color/pencil on paper
Croqui -Draped manechin - water color/pencil
Portrait of a woman with Gothic drape - water color/ pencil on paper
Portrait of a woman with head bands draped-study - color pencils on brown paper
Woman with Drape-study - water color/pencil on brown paper
Touch-study of hands - water color/pencils on paper
Static study - water color/pencil on paper
Drape -study - water color/charcoal/pencils on paper
"Hands tree" -Gaphic - ink on paper
Art and Study
Alexandra Popescu
Apparel Designer&Artist New York, NY