Healthcare worker for the Millenium Villages with teaching tool - The project goal was to design a graphics-based (to combat language barriers from the text-heavy predecessors) heathcare manual for training and use in the field by Millenium Village healthcare workers in Africa. The project was produced and is now in use in many locations on the continent.
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Sample tool from the HIV toolkit designed for UNESCO - Program specialists working in the field for UNESCO (the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization) needed a better way to understand their communities. We created a 'toolkit' of activities, data collection, and analysis that enables both new and veteran program specialists to understand the cultures they are in, and create culturally appropriate programming for HIV and AIDS awareness through the arts.
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Human-Centered Design & Graphic Design

Design isn't just creating beautiful things and useful objects; it's problem solving, ingenuity, and a way of thinking. As such, I believe that design is, or can lead us to the solutions to most of the world's biggest and baddest problems through doing 'good' and doing it well. Below is a sample of work I've done for non-profits, socially conscious companies, and organizations that do good, well.

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Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Allegra De Angelo
Industrial Designer New York, NY