This set is designed for a character named Beth. She is a 55 year old cat lady who is socially awkward. She is obsessed with collecting things, almost to the point of hoarding but she tries to keep it organized. She loves decorating even though she is rather bad at it. This is her living room.
This is a set designed for a character named Goddess she is in her 50's but doesn't seem to be aware if it. She was a groupie in her day and continues to look and act like one. She has never had a real job nor does she plan to. She likes to party till the wee hours of the morning and partakes in several types of drugs. She loves to decorate, although is terrible at it.
This is Goddess' living room. It is supposed to be a livign room that when seen is so ugly that it makes the audience laugh. She is a groupie still at heart and loves to decorate even though she is obviously terrible at it.
Set Design Concepts

These are projects based off assignments given in class, click on each photo to see project specifics.

Allison Reber
Creative Individual Long Branch, NJ