Nios project designed by 5D Studios. Engineering and manufacturing done by Arcadia Chair where I am project lead. Frame work done after 3D CAD models and working drawings were produced.
An example of working drawings done for an Encore project known as Notion. The arm was design by a combination consisting a design intern by the name of Michael Latham and myself.
Lucent project designed by Q Designs. Engineering and manufacturing done by Arcadia Chair where I am project lead. Frame work done after 3D CAD models and working drawings were produced. Die cast arm with manufactured frame structure.
An example of the working drawing done for manufacturing of the Lucent die cast arm. Lucent is designed by Q Design and manufactured by Encore.
Engineering and Manufacturing

In this project folder you will find projects that I have been involved with as the project lead and engineer. Outside designers come in with their furniture designs and I am part of the team that gets it from concept to manufactured product.

Anthony Sanchez
Designer/Manufacturing Engineer Orange County, CA