Guinea Pig size Barn - photo compliments of Dr. Fosters & Smith ( They do such a good job staging their products!
Mouse Size - photo compliments of Dr. Fosters & Smith (
Original rendering, 2008
Updated rendering with fully closed sides
Hanging out & hiding out at our trade show.
EDM electrode used to burn the large molds
Manufactured in nearby NJ factory. Great to see actual production run.
First run samples - designed to stack very tight at retail to fit as many possible products in a small footprint
Manufactured in nearby NJ factory - this is their rooftop solar installation.
Walk Up Barn

These Walk Up Barns were designed to fit in common small animal pet habitats. They provide both playful climbing & exercise, while allowing pets to hide and feel secure. Designed in 2008, JW Pet Company

Andrea Valle
Industrial Designer & Interior Decorator Stanhope, NJ