Parody Album Cover Art - Parody of the Red Hot Chili Peppers album cover using teddy bears that spewed flames.
Photorealism Ad - I set this up as if it were in an actual catalogue containing guns, giving specs, models, and information.
Hybrid Designs Mascot - Mascot for my Hybrid Designs branding
T-shirt Designs - A few t-shirt designs I created in an idea for what types of t-shirts students at the Art Institute might wear. First two are casual and humorous. The last one is supposed to have a more serious feel, but remain creative.
World's Fair - A world's fair zombie poster that could go for just about any city with small alterations included to the poster.
Hybrid Design Emblem - This was the 2004 emblem for what I planned to have Hybrid Designs be branded as.
Anjanee Smith
Illustrator Durham, NC