type-illo commission of Jesi - Type is hand drawn and made of descriptive words.
Strummer - Type illo in honor of Joe Strummer aka Punk Rock Warlord.
MLK - Type-illo in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Pirate Reading promotion poster - Did this a ways back for Demco. 18x24 poster.
The Creek - pastel landscape.
The prairie - pastel landscape drawing.
Optical oil paiting - This is a oil painting I did of my Mom from a photo in her 20's.
Mix media painting - Painting of my Dad from a photo a few years ago.
Little Red - illo of Little Red Riding Hood.
Brush Ink figure - This is a 2 minute gesture.
Brush Ink figure - 2 minute gesture
Samurai Wars - New illustration, also a tee design subbed to Threadless to be up for voting soon.. http://www.threadless.com/submission/241942/?streetteam=Arrow08
New Gotham Designs Branding design
Poison Ivy (pencils) - an old sketch I did of Poison Ivy.
Poison Ivy (Color) - An Old sketch I did of Poison Ivy
sketch - An old sketch I did of a random super heroine.
Fleetwood Mac Type Design - A design I did of Fleetwood Mac.
Drawing of the Labyrinth
Counting Crows commission. Available on their website as a poster and a woman's tee.
Copper Koi logo (no type)
Copper Koi Logo vinyl cut truck decal
Hustle Records Logo
NYC Subway poster art. Typography is made of New York City descriptive words.
Hans Christian Anderson illustration.
cows pastel
Elephants pastel
Germany pastels
Levens pastels
Dokusan With Dogen Book Cover design
Tending the Fire Book cover design
Where the Dragon Gains the Water Book cover design
Unfolding the Eightfold Path Book cover design
Sleep Makes Waves design commission
Joker & Harley Quinn Vs Batman
St. George and the Dragon
Happy Halloween 2014
The War had begun. Herbivores had long lived side by side with the Vegetarian humans. As the attacks on their land grew more frequent, the great plan had to be made. Go into the nest. The belly of the beast. Where the Carnivores dominated. The enemy had to be stopped, once and for all.
Fallen: Dark Leia On her way to becoming a strong Jedi Master, Leia finally confronted her nemesis, the rebel enemy, Vader. She over powered him, lightsaber up to his neck. She was ready to end it all….. But she couldn’t do it. Vader knew it. And so the path was made, an unstoppable force was created as Vader and Leia set out to rule the galaxy!
Spidey vs Dr. Octopus
Steampunk drawing.
In honor of the great Frank Cho and Liberty Meadows, this is my homage strip: "Dirty Pillows" with my own characters also starring myself and my wife.
Mad Max drawing.
Phantom Lady & Lady Blackhawk kicking some nazi soldier ass!
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Vampirella vs Lady Death
Sci-Fi Rael
Little Mermaid
Landscape Pastel 2015 Dec.
Traditional Japanese sketch
Madison Skyline (Typography)
Billy Joel (design commission) Available soon from Billy Joel's website.
Rick and Morty
Spiderman vs Venom
Rael & Mia (26 weeks along) 2017
G.I. Joe (Scarlet)
Stranger Things
Political Wars
Aaron Gilmore
Illustrator Madison, WI