www.hydrokon.com is a site that I have designed from bottom-up and continue to manage as well as write blog content for.
www.ikonicsiis.com is a site that I have designed from bottom up and continue to maintain.
IKONICS websites

While employed with IKONICS Corporation as their marketing web and graphics designer and social media manager, I have fully designed two of their sites and drastically improved sections in other key sites. I have also been responsible for general site maintenance and analytics as well as two e-commerce sites.

websites from scratch include: www.hydrokon.com and www.ikonicsiis.com.

Websites that I maintain as well as create content and new sections for include: www.ikonicsimaging.com, www.chromaline.com, www.shop.chromaline.com, ikonicsams.com and www.ikonics.com

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Laura Mann
graphic/web designer Superior, WI