Online campaign manager application - Allowes users to create and manage short code campaings.
VeriSign Personal Identity Portal - Prototype for user interface of the front page for a digital 'vault' in which a user could store sensitive data.
Xoomerang - Xoomerang was the second generation of VeriSign's media messaging platform that included all the web 2.0 social sharing technologies. Once we developed this we brought on all of our clients (AT&T, Boost, Rogers, etc.) on to the new platform.
UI design for digital certificate management desktop client - End user focused 100%. The process of a user managing their digital certificates had to be easy, despite the negative effects of doing something wrong. I had limited real estate to not only display vital information for the user's digital certificates but to show action links and space to perform those actions.
Rogers Mobile - We upgraded one of Canada's largest mobile compay's media messaging service on to the second generation platform we designed at VeriSign. My job was to rebuild their entire UI according to the new specs.
UI Design
John Beckwith
Graphic Designer Oregon City, OR