Walmart Planogram Design and Pitch

As a part of Pratt Industries’ pitch to gain Walmart’s Moving and Shipping business, we were tasked with the design of a new Planogram, Brand design for all of the products we would provide, a Webpage for a Moving and Shipping function we could provide, and the video Drip Campaign to help illustrate who Pratt Industries is for the Walmart Team.

I played a crucial part in each aspect, applying a newly created Casemate Brand to all of the Products on the Planogram, creating new graphics for the Walmart Moving boxes, conceptualizing concepts for the landing page for our Moving and Shipping webpage, and producing each video over the course of several weeks that led to the Walmart presentation. Pratt Industries would go on to acquire all $20 Million of Walmarts Moving and Shipping business, with plans to expand to $100 Million of business in the near future.

Zach Bolstad
Designer Atlanta, GA