Sculpture of Herakles done in Maya and Mudbox. A very heavy focus on correct topology and proper anatomy. I most certainly learned a ton.
Sculpture of Herakles done in Maya and Mudbox. A very heavy focus on correct topology and proper anatomy. I most certainly learned a ton.
Fun Halloween Jack O' Lantern render using wire frame techniques for experiments.
Another fun Halloween render. I especially focused on portraying a darker, but still workable scene. My first few images were way too dark, but I then ran into the problem of the scene becoming too bright and ruining the effect I was seeking. Night renders are definitely a "different animal".
Practice in sculpting and texturing using Substance Painter.
Practice in sculpting and texturing using Substance Painter.
Practice in sculpting and texturing using Substance Painter.
Practice in sculpting and texturing using Substance Painter
Torso sculpting practice for anatomy study.
Torso sculpting practice for anatomy study.
Face and rock sculpting practice. Very hard edge defined. Literal cliff faces. Sculpting hard edges is different and definitely a challenge.
Face and rock sculpting practice. Very hard edge defined. Literal cliff faces. Sculpting hard edges is different and definitely a challenge.
1 Hour character face sculpt for concept.
1 Hour character face sculpt for concept.
Elephant head sculpt practice and study. The tusks and ears present some problems that I needed to adjust, such as intersecting geometry, but overall I learned a lot about elephant heads.
Human head sculpt practice -- about 2 hours of good old anatomy practice.
Human head sculpt practice -- about 2 hours.
More head sculpting practice from my sketches. Focusing on character and variations on the facial structures.
More head sculpting practice from my sketches. Focusing on character and variations on the facial structures.
1 Month Focused Sculpting

High Res. Anatomical Sculpt of Herakles (Maya and Mudbox)

Fun Jack 'O Lantern

Cliff Faces Sculpt

Rock Sculpt and Texture Practice

Anatomy and Character Studies

Brandon Motter
3D Digital Graphics Student at Rochester Institute of Technology Rochester, NY