Three tracks drive electric snowmobile

An electric snowmobile concept with three motorized tracks

Industrial designer Martin Aubé, ADIQ, IDSA, founding president of the industrial design consulting firm "The Creative Unit inc." and formerly an expert industrial designer, advanced concepts for Bombardier Recreational Products, unveils his vision of an electric snowmobile concept with a modular main track system and two ski-integrated front tracks. The rear track module is detachable at the factory, at the dealership, or by a homeowner with good mechanical knowledge and makes it easier to install multiple types of track according to the desired use of the vehicle: 121-in -144 "cross-country track, high performance track with studs, and finally, mountain track up to 155" maximum, for greater battery life time. The seat includes an intelligent suspension system that is electronically synchronised with the rear track system. Electric technology makes it easy to distribute energy to multiple engines in rear track & skis.

Martin Aubé
Owner, L'Unité Créative inc./The Creative Unit inc Montreal, PQ