Cantini's Spaghetti Sauce Ad - Computer Genterated Ad using Jabberwockies.
Font Poster - A project that was done in Adobe InDesign. We also had to do a report on the designer.
Koolers Gum - Marker Rendering
Map of Mt. Pleasent, Wisconsin - Map created in Adobe Illustrator for a final project. The project was to create a map around your house. I added the major buildings in the area so that viewers could identify location.
Mouse Head - This was created in Maya and is just a snap shot of the scene.
Save the Date Card
Wedding Invite Cover
Inside of the Wedding Invite
Lily Border for Wedding Menu Card - This is the Border that I used on my wedding menu cards that people picked what they were going to eat. Created in Adobe Photoshop and then pulled into Adobe InDesign.
Operation Shoebox - This is a poster that was posted up around Gateway to collect things to go to the troops. It was created in Adobe Photoshop.
Marker Rendering of a House - This is a marker rendering of a house that I found in a magazine and had to draw by hand for a class assignment.
Marker Rendering of Sweethearts Candy - This was one of the assignments that we had to have a product and display it in someway that someone may want to buy.
Yin Yang House - This was an assignment where we had to do something abstract to a building picture of our choice. I choose to use a church for the building and to put a Yin Yang on it do to churches always being in harmony.
Revlon Nail Polish Ad Layout - This is a ad layout that was done using markers with color pencil to shade and highlight. This was done as an assignment for school.
Marker Rendering of a Real Leaf - This is a marker rendering of a leaf that I picked up from outside and drew with markers. I did do the veins on the leaf using prismacolor color pencils.
Acrylic Dolphin in Space through a Window - This was an Assignment where the only requirements were that there had to be a window and two different color schemes.
Magazine Cover - This is the cover that I created in Adobe Photoshop for the images and Illustrator for the layout.
Halloween Magazine Spread - This is the second part to the Times Kids magazine cover. Created in Adobe Illustrator
Design work