who_knows Spring/ Summer 2019

Whatever it is that motivates people to change things, we need more of that. On 20th of January 2019, a huge Women’s March was held in the US, and several other protests were organized by women all around the world, to advocate for their rights.
Starting from the idea of empowering women, I found inspiration in the deconstruction of common feminine cliché. Suits, historical businessmen’s uniforms, behave now like a universal symbol of equality. In every suit lies an intrepid strength that empowers the person who wears it.
WHO KNOWS is based on a very personal take on feminism, close to the artworks of Arvida Bystrom and Marius Sperlich.

In every piece seamlines and details are given hand-made latex finishing.
The collection is the portrayal of a searching for the meaning of feminism and feminine power.
who knows...

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Full-time, Moonlighting
Carolin Woitke
Fashion Designer Mailand, Italy