Showcasing products and services with a creative edge this tri-fold demonstrates a variety of artwork: a cartoon, postcards, posters, business cards and a unique map of the Galapagos Islands.

The blue and tan color scheme of this tri-fold including the Inside spread provide a neutral background so the viewer can focus on the samples featured.

This striking, novel multi-ring binder was not commissioned by Wella, but is brochure I would propose as a promotional piece for Wella hair products.

This inside spread for the Wella promotional piece shows the eye catching color-coded tabs coordinating with the banners on the interior pages that describe the various Wella products.

This pocket-size booklet was designed with a formidable logo, classic colors and hand-drawn sophisticated vertical strips to promote this rehab business. The bottom of this piece folds up forming a pocket to hold two additional pieces,
a one-page calendar and a notepad. The simplistic key for using the calendar is clearly displayed within this booklet.

This color-coded one-page yearly calendar is one of two project pieces that sit inside the pocket of this promotional bi-fold.