Bore - 20x30 Island Booth - RFP Response

Large global company that supplies Drill bits and other drilling and mining equipment for offshore oil rigs and tunneling machines that create tunnels for railroad and highway construction. They are looking to update their look in their marketing and want to launch that with a new trade show booth. They are very advanced technologically and want their booth to reflect that without being too hi tech or futuristic.

1. Show your process, which includes research into the industry, and inspiration on the direction you take the design.
2. Create basic branding and messaging for the company (i.e. logo and tag line)
3. A cohesive presentation that you will be presenting in person at skyline IDC in Eagan, MN
4. Based on the overall presentation of this project Skyline will be inviting students to apply for a paid internship for the summer of 2013

Chris Rotondo
Creative Direction // Design Minneapolis, MN