Black and White version of Navfox's logo
Example of "white" version of the Home Page The Hero Image Trend changes according to the top searches or searches in the area (in this case is NY) The Hero Image Trend and the fact that new logo and the search bar are bigger and lined up in the middle makes everything look more fresh and organized at the same time.
On the top there's the search bar, the logo and other searching categories Top Left - Advertisement Middle Left - Latest search results with images Right - Top searches and their specific locations in the map Bottom - Page number
Same as the "white" version, the simplicity shows up through the organization. This time the image in the background is always in shades of gray / black and white.
On the top there's the search bar, the logo and other searching categories Top Left - Advertisement Middle Left - Latest search results with images Right - Top searches and their specific locations and map Bottom - Page number
Navfox's old logo
Navfox's old Home page
Navfox's old Serach/Result page
Ending results (full)
WEBSITE - Nav fox

Navfox website redesign

The entire website was redesigned as well as the logo. The ending results made it, both website and logo look more fresh, modern and uncluttered.

I decided to make two versions because the old website was quite dark, so the "white" version is a complete redesign and the "dark" version despite the new organization keeps some characteristic of the old website

Freelance, Full-time
Cláudia Fortes
Graphic and Motion Designer Lisboa, Portugal