Bright Starts - Teether Pals - Plush character toys with teether arms and feet created for the Bright Starts brand - sold at Babies R Us and Target
Bright Starts - Sunny Sky Activity Cups - The first toy I ever designed that went into production! These stacking bath cups are still on sale at Babies R Us under the Bright Starts brand name.
Stock Toys - Bright Starts Slide and Glide Bouncer - Rough concept sketches of my stock toys to show some of the design process
Stock Toys - Illustrator and Alias - The final concept renderings of the stock toys - they are currently used as a toy set on the Bright Starts Glide & Play Bouncer Kids II site and bouncer: pic
Bright Starts - Bucket sets for Target Summer Promotion - Injection and roto-molded bucket sets designed for a Summer Promotion at Target in 2005 - the garden set is my favorite of the three
Spider-Man Toy and Packaging Concept - Spider-Man zip-line toy with comic book style packaging - I made this toy on my own to show an older age category and an understanding of the action figure/boys category.
Senior Thesis - Educational Developmental Toy Concept - My final project at Georgia Tech - my goal was to create a plush and plastic toy with strong developmental features, added educational value, and visual consistency through a themed approach.
toy design
Courtney Denelsbeck
Freelance Designer Minneapolis, MN