12 the band promotional album design - At the end of 2008, I was asked by Architect Sean Leonard of CO-RD and Alice Yard and Artist Christopher Cozier to design the cover and packaging for the new 12 theband album (STREETS & AVENUES).

Shown above is the promotional packaging the band distributed while performing at the Canadian Music Festival.
12 the band promotional album design - At the end of 2008, I was asked by Architect Sean Leonard of CO-RD and Alice Yard and Artist Christopher Cozier to design the cover and packaging for the new 12 theband album (STREETS & AVENUES).

Shown above is the promotional packaging the band distributed while performing at the Canadian Music Festival.
12 the band promotional album design - At the end of 2008, I was asked by Architect Sean Leonard of CO-RD and Alice Yard and Artist Christopher Cozier to design the cover and packaging for the new 12 theband album (STREETS & AVENUES).

Shown above is the promotional packaging the band distributed while performing at the Canadian Music Festival.
12 the band promotional album design - At the end of 2008, I was asked by Architect Sean Leonard of CO-RD and Alice Yard and Artist Christopher Cozier to design the cover and packaging for the new 12 theband album (STREETS & AVENUES).

Shown above is the promotional packaging the band distributed while performing at the Canadian Music Festival.
12 the band promotional album design - At the end of 2008, I was asked by Architect Sean Leonard of CO-RD and Alice Yard and Artist Christopher Cozier to design the cover and packaging for the new 12 theband album (STREETS & AVENUES).

Shown above is the promotional packaging the band distributed while performing at the Canadian Music Festival.
12 the band promotional album design - At the end of 2008, I was asked by Architect Sean Leonard of CO-RD and Alice Yard and Artist Christopher Cozier to design the cover and packaging for the new 12 theband album (STREETS & AVENUES).

Shown above is the promotional packaging the band distributed while performing at the Canadian Music Festival.
Irritant Cushion - I designed this packaging from the bags the cushion stuffing were bought in. By simply placing a paper holder designed based on the sharp deviation symbol used as part of the En Route project at the mouth of the bag.
Irritant Cushion - I designed this packaging from the bags the cushion stuffing were bought in. By simply placing a paper holder designed based on the sharp deviation symbol used as part of the En Route project at the mouth of the bag.
12 theband album design - Cover of Album
12 theband album design
12 theband album design
12 theband album design
12 theband album design
12 theband album design - A view in the pigeon hole
Package Design
Marlon Darbeau
Designer Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago