Circles in the Sky book cover - A cover for a book about George Ferris, who designed the original Ferris Wheel that was showcased at the 1893 Chicago World's Columbian Exposition.
Economics and Finance for Engineers and Planners book cover - I designed this cover and photographed the stack of rocks.
Great Rivers History book cover
Manhole Inspection and Rehabilitation book cover
Marine Outfall Construction book cover
Principles and Practice of Engineering book cover
Bridginess: More of the Civil Engineering Life book cover - Humorous essays by Brian Brenner about city planning, civil engineering, bridges, and more. I designed the interior pages of this book as well as the cover.
Residential Land Development Practices textbook cover
Substructure Station Design Guide book cover - A two-color book cover design.
Sustainable Wastewater Management in Developing Countries book cover
Transportation and Development book cover
Transportation Land Use, Planning, and Air Quality book cover
Treatment System Hydraulics book cover
Washington Roebling's Father book cover - Memoirs by Washington Roebling about his Father, John A. Roebling, who designed the Brooklyn Bridge. I created the layout of the interior pages of this book, as well as the cover.
Designed for Dry Feet book cover - A book about practices in the Netherlands to protect the land from rising flood waters. I designed the interior pages for this book, as well as the cover.
Inspecting Pipeline Installation book cover
State Water Resources Planning in the United States book cover - A two-color cover design with the idea of splitting a water drop into a pie chart.
Tipon book cover - I designed the interior pages of this book that showcases Tipon, a site created by the Inca in which amazing water engineering was utilized.
Bioenergy and Biofuel from Biowastes and Biomass book cover
Safe Operation and Maintenance of Dry Dock Facilities book cover
History of the Modern Suspension Bridge book cover
The Role of Technology in Water Resources Planning and Management book cover
TMDLs in the Urban Environment book cover - TMDL is Total Maximum Daily Load, defined as "a calculation of the maximum amount of a pollutant that a body of water can receive and still meet water quality standards, and an allocation of that amount to the pollutant’s sources.”
Women in Engineering: Pioneers and Trailblazers book cover
Women in Engineering: Professional Life book cover
Book Covers
Dave Williams
Freelance Graphic Designer Silver Spring, MD