Mobile: The Perfect Storm - A "Lunch and Learn" session about mobile technology and how it's taking over.
"Aborting Stops a Beating" - A satirical look at a very, VERY gray issue.
"Uncover All Truth" - In our quest for knowledge, it never hurts to ask questions.
George Washington - Every time I look into my wallet, there he is. Every time I dig in my pocket, there he is. He's an incredible man; I just wish he was worth more.
European Preparedness - Living in Europe for a short period of time made me realize how unprepared for life I can be sometimes; I like to chalk it up to "ignorance can DEFINITELY be bliss."
3rd Presidential Debate - John McClane, er um, McCain is about to have a very bad day.
S and M Bunny - There's just something disturbingly cute about bunnies that are dressed up like a gimp.
Tshirt - Burning Music - Tshirt concept.
Tshirt - Piracy - Tshirt concept.
Posters and Tshirts
David Schafer
Art Director Minneapolis, MN