Movement Through Solid/Void

This was an exercise in using Poche. The goal was to create an experience through solids and voids as you moved through a space. The program called for five separate spaces including Converse, 2- Dimensional, 3-Dimensional, read and eat and video art spaces. I used thick walls to create transition between the spaces while also incorporating changes in level to strengthen the idea that you were entering a new room. The 2-Dimensional and 3-Dimensional spaces are separated by a simple partition to imply the connection of the two spaces. The Conversing space is enclosed by a curtain wall adjacent to the art spaces to invoke collaboration with the individuals in the space. The eating area becomes it's own space behind the thickest wall in the building while the video area becomes hidden and secluded, ensuring that it would not hinder the experience in the other spaces.

David Purrott
Architectural Intern Ballston Spa, NY