Ergonomics Assignments - In this assignment that I followed, I learned how to make objects that are safe to use for a longer time without getting physical complaints.
This is an example of an assembly workplace that is adjustable and fitted to a wide range of people.

Model Making assignment - Task: make a clay model of a randomly chosen object and then make one that is slightly adjusted. Make 12 steps and end with something that is still recognisable but more aesthetically pleasing.
The final model had to be made from foam. The foam model is painted with white latex paint, sanded, painted again, sanded, etc. Until a smooth object was reached.

Model Making assignment - Task: make a clay model of a randomly chosen object and then make one that is slightly adjusted. Make 12 steps and end with something that is still recognisable but more aesthetically pleasing.
The final model had to be made from foam. The foam model is painted with white latex paint, sanded, painted again, sanded, etc. Until a smooth object was reached.

Design for Creativity Assignment - Task: develop a tool that can help any inexperienced person in a certain stage within the creative process.
I eventually developed a game that can be played with a team to critically assess ideas and ending with a top 3 or with one best idea. It is a clever combination of 3 existing tools.
I made a 3D model of the objects included in the game. The animation can be found on youtube under the name Court of Ideas.

Cardboard Modelling Assignment - Task: master the art of cardboard modelling (modelling prototypes by use of cardboard and foamboard) and eventually design a mediaplayer solely using this technique.
These two images show the process and end product of my mp3-player. It is meant to look good, but also work in an original way without too many difficult functions.
The models are all mechanically working so the haptic user experience can be tested.

Cardboard Modelling Assignment - Task: master the art of cardboard modelling (modelling prototypes by use of cardboard and foamboard) and eventually design a mediaplayer solely using this technique.
These two images show the process and end product of my mp3-player. It is meant to look good, but also work in an original way without too many difficult functions.
The models are all mechanically working so the haptic user experience can be tested.