Twisted Elements - Open-ended play for children aged 6-10. Movement of the twisted object is translated into sounds of the elements.

Twisted Elements teaser

Laces you never need to tie - During the Dutch Design Week I developed this concept in a 5 day pressure cooker project.

Cup-finding Coaster - During the Dutch Design Week I developed this concept in a 5 day pressure cooker project.

Coaster Prototype - During the Dutch Design Week I developed this concept in a 5 day pressure cooker project. This was the prototype demonstrating the functionality and behavior.

Shoe - During the Dutch Design Week I developed this concept in a 5 day pressure cooker project. Prototype of the laces that don't need to be tied.

Tangible Sounds - I am currently working on a research project investigating whether making sounds tangible in 3D space increases the user experience.