Family Service Center Logo - one of a select set of logos from my very first Intership project
WSB - "Safe Box" - A very strange project...The idea behind the image was for memebers of Washington Saving Bank to have a online "safe box" to store and save important flies for clients. Although I left before the project was completed, this Image went through multiple variations and styles to achieve WSB's overall ideal and message.
HNIS Before and After Charts - HNIS before and after charts to help explain the importance of their funeral software. All design belongs to bGG Advertising
HNIS Before and After Charts - HNIS before and after charts to help explain the importance of their funeral software. All design belongs to bGG Advertising
HNIS - Leap - My last project at my internship. Client was looking for a creative idea using a lizard to help motivate employees
Internship - bGG Advertising, Manchester, NH
Joseph Martinez
Creative Designer Barnstead, NH