Sky B.A.T. (GI Joe - Sigma 6) - My model of Sky B.A.T. from GI Joe's Sigma 6 series composited into a photo. Modeled,rendered and composited in Lightwave.

The Iron Giant - My Iron Giant model composited into a still from a video sequence.

Cylon comp - My cylon centurion model comp'd into a waterfall photo.

Quimoto - A little concept car I modeled for a friend; I rendered the car and the pedestal. I comped it into a cool showroom photo I found on the net.

Sky B.A.T. (GI Joe - Sigma 6) Pose 01

Sky B.A.T. (GI Joe - Sigma 6) Pose 02

Grand Slam (GI Joe - Sigma 6)

Grand Slam Wireframe(GI Joe - Sigma 6)

Grand Slam in briefing - My model of the GI Joe Grand Slam from the Sigma 6 series composited into a military photo. All work done in Lightwave.

Shortbus superstars: Albert

Shortbus superstars: Albert wireframe

Shortbus superstars: Albert comp

Shortbus superstars: Albert front

Shortbus superstars: Albert 3/4 view

Shortbus superstars: Albert side

Textured Spy Shot 6 -01 - I modeled, textured, and lit this in Lightwave 9.

Textured Spy Shot 6 -02 - I modeled, textured, and lit this in Lightwave 9.

Textured Spy Shot 6 -03 - I modeled, textured, and lit this in Lightwave 9.

Thunderbird 1 Desert Wreck

Wallace and Gromit - My digital re-creation of a still image from The Curse of the Were-Rabbit. I did the 3D models and rendering in Lightwave, using still images from the movie and show for reference. I love this still from the movie; Wallace and Gromit's expressions, the cute bunny, and the lighting.

Solo Elf Texturing project-01 - My finished texturing project from
The DAVE School. I DID NOT model this. William "Proton" Vaughan modeled the elf.

Solo Elf Texturing project-02 - My finished texturing project from
The DAVE School. I DID NOT model this. William "Proton" Vaughan modeled the elf.

Solo Elf Texturing project-03 - My finished texturing project from
The DAVE School. I DID NOT model this. William "Proton" Vaughan modeled the elf.

Solo Elf Texturing project-04 - My finished texturing project from
The DAVE School. I DID NOT model this. William "Proton" Vaughan modeled the elf.

Transformers: Soundwave and Ravage

Transformers: Soundwave

Transformers: Soundwave wireframe

Soundwave and Ravage toys comp

Soundwave and Ravage take a walk

Soundwave and Ravage have a day in the park

Transformer mountain showdown

My little pony: Pinkie Pie

Pnkie Pie - This is a model I did for a friend of Pinkie Pie from My Little Pony. Modeled, textured, and rendered in LightWave.

LEGO - Night Driver

Thunderbird 3 Lake Ruins

Thunderbird 3 Helicopter view

Thunderbird 3 in space

Thunderbird 3 Launch envy

Thunderbird 1 Fly-by

Frankensphere! - My submission to cgsphere.com; all work done in Lightwave. Rate my creation(please) at www.cgsphere.com

Bruce Lee drawing - Here I also used sepia toned chalks, and black and white charcoal; they happen to be one of my favorites. I love Bruce Lee and wanted to do a drawing for myself. The drawing is roughly 17" wide by 25" tall.

3 hour life drawing - I used Sepia toned chalks, and black and white charcoal for this life drawing.

The Names : Action poses - The Names are an experiment to create an easily cloned slave race that came up short. Their creators still use them, but are not proud enough of their creations to give them a better title than "The Names."
The Names have big hearts and little brains. While they may be very strong and loyal, they are very clumsy, and don't know their own strength.

Space Dog Character sheet - Space Dog is a hero for all the galaxies. With his alien-crafted suit, he's transformed from man's best friend to intergalactic hero! He'll save the planet then, chew up your shoes afterwards! His world is one of clean fun and old-school humor.

DZL Vodka Ad 01 - This is a freelance job I did for the owner and creater of DZL Vodka. It was done entirely in Photoshop; I was supplied with professional photos of the model, then I had to do skin touch ups, highlight and shadow fixes, etc. Then I created the background from different images along with some cloning and digital painting. I hope you all like it, and please give me any comments or criticism. Enjoy DZL Vodka !