Quetzal - This line which bears the name of Quetzal, was born as a way of earrings that can easily be seen in the ears of several pre-Hispanic sculptures, by way of a feather earring synthesized form, where is the silver strip that represents the canyon and the ceramic forms the rest of the pen.

Quetzal - This line which bears the name of Quetzal, was born as a way of earrings that can easily be seen in the ears of several pre-Hispanic sculptures, by way of a feather earring synthesized form, where is the silver strip that represents the canyon and the ceramic forms the rest of the pen.

Quetzal - This line which bears the name of Quetzal, was born as a way of earrings that can easily be seen in the ears of several pre-Hispanic sculptures, by way of a feather earring synthesized form, where is the silver strip that represents the canyon and the ceramic forms the rest of the pen.

Quetzal - This line which bears the name of Quetzal, was born as a way of earrings that can easily be seen in the ears of several pre-Hispanic sculptures, by way of a feather earring synthesized form, where is the silver strip that represents the canyon and the ceramic forms the rest of the pen.

Quetzal - This line which bears the name of Quetzal, was born as a way of earrings that can easily be seen in the ears of several pre-Hispanic sculptures, by way of a feather earring synthesized form, where is the silver strip that represents the canyon and the ceramic forms the rest of the pen.

Cromosomas - The females, males are composed of chromosomes X, which is the start of a human being, within which arises the feeling of love.
The ring has can accommodate two fingers and small inner hemispheres are designed to transmit sensations to the user through the fingers, is my way of representing a new and strange feeling in the same way as love fills us with feelings indescribable.

Cromosomas - The females, males are composed of chromosomes X, which is the start of a human being, within which arises the feeling of love.
The ring has can accommodate two fingers and small inner hemispheres are designed to transmit sensations to the user through the fingers, is my way of representing a new and strange feeling in the same way as love fills us with feelings indescribable.

Cromosomas - The females, males are composed of chromosomes X, which is the start of a human being, within which arises the feeling of love.
The ring has can accommodate two fingers and small inner hemispheres are designed to transmit sensations to the user through the fingers, is my way of representing a new and strange feeling in the same way as love fills us with feelings indescribable.

Cromosomas - The females, males are composed of chromosomes X, which is the start of a human being, within which arises the feeling of love.
The ring has can accommodate two fingers and small inner hemispheres are designed to transmit sensations to the user through the fingers, is my way of representing a new and strange feeling in the same way as love fills us with feelings indescribable.

Cromosomas - The females, males are composed of chromosomes X, which is the start of a human being, within which arises the feeling of love.
The ring has can accommodate two fingers and small inner hemispheres are designed to transmit sensations to the user through the fingers, is my way of representing a new and strange feeling in the same way as love fills us with feelings indescribable.

Tláhloc - This line combines contemporary elements Mesoamerican features: Drilling reminiscent of the cups in pre-Hispanic times. Geometry, accuracy, harmony of materials and the polished silver and ceramics, are typical of a contemporary object.
The split ring design the tile on one finger and the hole on the inside of the piece allows us to discover that, under all that rigidity and simplicity, is a human.

Tláhloc - This line combines contemporary elements Mesoamerican features: Drilling reminiscent of the cups in pre-Hispanic times. Geometry, accuracy, harmony of materials and the polished silver and ceramics, are typical of a contemporary object.
The split ring design the tile on one finger and the hole on the inside of the piece allows us to discover that, under all that rigidity and simplicity, is a human.

Tláhloc - This line combines contemporary elements Mesoamerican features: Drilling reminiscent of the cups in pre-Hispanic times. Geometry, accuracy, harmony of materials and the polished silver and ceramics, are typical of a contemporary object.
The split ring design the tile on one finger and the hole on the inside of the piece allows us to discover that, under all that rigidity and simplicity, is a human.

Tláhloc - This line combines contemporary elements Mesoamerican features: Drilling reminiscent of the cups in pre-Hispanic times. Geometry, accuracy, harmony of materials and the polished silver and ceramics, are typical of a contemporary object.
The split ring design the tile on one finger and the hole on the inside of the piece allows us to discover that, under all that rigidity and simplicity, is a human.

Línea Tlaloc - This line combines contemporary elements Mesoamerican features: Drilling reminiscent of the cups in pre-Hispanic times. Geometry, accuracy, harmony of materials and the polished silver and ceramics, are typical of a contemporary object.
The split ring design the tile on one finger and the hole on the inside of the piece allows us to discover that, under all that rigidity and simplicity, is a human.

LÃnea Valor - This line has been thought to represent pre-historic elements with heavy and crude forms, their attachments and refer to objects jagged lumps of stone, but to counteract the negative image of the war, the protrusions were rounded to evoke a game.
Visually, they are very heavy but playful pieces, which to have features of smooth curves and rounded, have lost the appearance of danger to become a subject enjoyable and fun.

LÃnea Valor - This line has been thought to represent pre-historic elements with heavy and crude forms, their attachments and refer to objects jagged lumps of stone, but to counteract the negative image of the war, the protrusions were rounded to evoke a game.
Visually, they are very heavy but playful pieces, which to have features of smooth curves and rounded, have lost the appearance of danger to become a subject enjoyable and fun.

LÃnea Valor - This line has been thought to represent pre-historic elements with heavy and crude forms, their attachments and refer to objects jagged lumps of stone, but to counteract the negative image of the war, the protrusions were rounded to evoke a game.
Visually, they are very heavy but playful pieces, which to have features of smooth curves and rounded, have lost the appearance of danger to become a subject enjoyable and fun.