Working with the client Iain Burnett to analyse how he would like his brand to be perceived.
Brand Extension Outcome: Graphics that connote artisan, quality, Scottish chocolates and a new packaging experience.
Packaging Experience: Enlightening instructions within the packaging enrich customer experience of consumption and create an artisan product.
Graphic influences: The recognisable shape of the Scottish Highlands, Celtic and Gaelic symbols to communicate tradition, authenticity and Scottishness, Japanese line and form because Iain Burnett's chocolate making is influenced by artisan Japanese chocolatiers he worked with.
Product in Context
Live Project 2012: Brand Extension

I was hired by Iain Burnett's chocolate company to generate a form of brand extension that would promote the company and clearly communicate its goals and identity. I redesigned all the companies graphics, using rich chocolate colours and subtle, contemporary Scottish references to inform my new design. The packaging is used in a cafe sccenario, to be taken away by the customer with chocolates inside it. The packaging aims to be an artisan form of promotion, sharing a slice of the cafe experience from a person who has visited with one of their friends.

Eloise Smith-Foster
Practicing Designer / MEDes (Master of European Design) student at... Glasgow, United Kingdom