Stories Iceland poster
Stories Iceland flyer
Stories Russia poster - graphic design and illustration for an event about storytelling. This one is about Russia, the next event will be about another country. The basic design (the bookform) will stay thesame throughout the series, but the illustration and colours will differ for each country. I'll also choose a different 'crazy' font to spell the countries' name.
Stories Russia flyers
Stories Russia flyer - graphic design and illustration for an event about storytelling. This one is about Russia, the next event will be about another country. The basic design (the bookform) will stay thesame throughout the series, but the illustration and colours will differ for each country. I'll also choose a different 'crazy' font to spell the countries' name.
Stories Russia bookmarks
Stories Russia seatcards & buttons
Filter flyer June 2009
eerst!/filter flyers
Filter Finissage January 2009 - Special flyer for a Filter finissage. Black copy on coloured paper.
eerst! flyer
eerst! flyer
eerst! flyer
eerst! flyer
eerst! postcards
eerst! flyer
graphic design
Eva Lindeman
Eva Lindeman Rotterdam, Netherlands