Site Selection
Mood Board
Building Section
Perspective rendering of booth seating. Images of everyday people from St. Louis serve as the focal point for this restaurant. A spiral-shaped acoustic wall treatment accents the wall while also providing noise suppression.
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Server station area.
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Speranza Cucina e Cafe

CONVERGENCE of different ideas, groups, or societies is the process by which they stop being different and become more similar. Inspired by the spiral pattern found in the Nautilus shell, the design of this restaurant and café aims to celebrate its diverse area by providing an atmosphere that encourages collaboration and curiosity among its patrons. Located in The Hill neighborhood of St. Louis, this restaurant design is influenced by the surrounding area: while The Hill was founded by Italian immigrants, the greater St. Louis area is 44% African American, 46% White American. St. Louis itself, as its name suggests, was founded by a Frenchman. All of this is to say, there are certainly a variety of groups who call St. Louis home.

Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Frances Eulo
Interior Designer Norfolk, VA