A mad scientist's laboratory or a zany professor's library? lots of scientific and mystical instruments and projects, lots of in-jokes and secret messages lurk in this book cover!

for ZBS.org radio productions, a noirlike dream series: Mojo's Cafe for Lost Dreamers

Mechanical Turk Fortune Teller

Riverboat at Sunset with Stained Glass Windows

Steampunk Squirrel in Plague Doctor Costume

Magic Goat

Woodcut style illustration of the mascot of the series, Majyk the Goat, dressed as Comedy

Woodcut style illustration of the mascot of the series, Majyk the Goat, dressed as Horror

Woodcut style illustration of the mascot of the series, Majyk the Goat, dressed as Sci-fi

Woodcut style illustration of the mascot of the series, Majyk the Goat, dressed as Mystery

Woodcut style illustration of the mascot of the series, Majyk the Goat, dressed as Fantasy
