"Arremesso de Queijo" or "Cheese Pitch" (2016) is a casual game developed to the a RBS TV institutional campaign that celebrates de 140th year of the Italian Immigration in the RS state.
"Azenha Bridge Battle" (2015) is a casual game developed as part of "Farroupiha History", a project developed in Art Department of RBS TV for the anniversary of Farroupilha Revolution, with four animations about the main moments of the war.
COSTELA AND BERGAMOTA CHALLENGE (2015) Casual web game developed for the soccer regional championship campaign in RBS TV.
FARM VET – MISSION VÉTÉRINAIRE (2007) Veterinarian's apprentice in 3rd person developed under hire for Legacy Interactive and published in USA, France, Germany and Netherlands.
FEELIN’ IT GOLF (2007) Golf simulator to use with Falcon device developed under hire for Novint and Published in USA.
NEWTON MONKEY BUSINESS PING PONG (2006) Cortoon Ping Pong developed under hire for Novint and published in USA.
THOROUGHBREAD TYCOON (2006) Horse breeding and race simulator developed under hire for Incagold and published in England, Germany and France.
WINGUEL / MARS TO EARTH (2005) Sci-fi puzzle collection for kids published in England, Netherlands and Germany.
DER PFERDERENNSTALL / JOCKEY CLUB (2004) Horse farm management simulator developed under hire for Caipirinha Games and published in Brazil, Germany, Swiss, Austria, France, Netherlands and England.
MATCHBALL TENNIS / WTC (2002) Tennis simulator focused on the player´s life published in Brasil, Germany, USA, Australia, Italy, Poland and Russia.
CHRISTMAS MAGIC (2001) Christmas game for Kids, a sled fly simulator developed under hire for Incagold and published in Brazil and England.
HADES2 (2000) Hades2 is our first project, an indie sci-fi shooter. It´s available for download in http://www.espacoinf.com/hades2.htm. It was published in Brazil, England, Mexico, Argentina and USA.
Digital Games
Gustavo Bülow
Designer / Architect Porto Alegre, Brazil