Design week 2012 - Exploded view of the exercise ball showing the track on which the bearings would run on, with a rubber band around it to insure silence, stability, and resistant to wear.
Design week 2012 - This view shows the mechanism - simpily lifting the top two bearings away from the exercise ball to allow it to come away from the drawer and be used on its own
Design week 2012 - Another view shows that you can store the other ball cover so that when it is attatched the hamster could get in and use it as a exercise wheel.
Design week 2012 - A close up of the mechanism showing a spring that will force the wheels against the track so that the ball doesnt fall out randomly.
Design week 2012 - Overal render showing how the design would fit in with the existing unit.
Design week 2012 - Exploded view showing how it would be joined - using rivits
Design Week 2012

University of Derby Design week:
We were approached by a company called Omlet and asked to design, in groups of 4-5, some kind of toy for a hamster/gerbil/mouse/rat that would compliment one of their existing products.

I was randomly put into a group alongside 2 of my fellow course-mates as well as 2 first year students.

My main role was within CAD, including rendering using solidworks, photoview 360, 3DS MAX and photoshop.

Henri Logan
CAD Engineer Gillingham, United Kingdom